Track Climate Change Denial
Register and log-in to add an article to our knowledge base. Your contribution helps to hold climate change deniers accountable for what they say and do.
For a detailed guide to submitting articles to our wiki please go to Writing for Climate of Denial. Below is a short summary of our guidelines.
Submission Guidelines: Let reality speak for itself. Keep things short and to the point: Give the name, job in government, business, or media. Along with a little career history and biographical information, please include supporting climate change denial quotes or video and supporting links.
Suggested Tags: State, Republican, Democrat, Congress, Job Title, Names of Network Connections, and more!
What We Do
Climate of Denial is committed to fact-based climate change education and advocacy. We maintain a crowd-sourced knowledge base to track climate change deniers across the country who serve in government, work for business, and are active in media. Our resource list is for journalists, activists, and anyone with an interest in climate change and science denial. Join us as we bring climate change reality to the public policy debate.