Adam Houser is the current National Collegians Director for Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow, a student-run branch of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. He took over in 2015 from Bill Gilles.
Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow has chapters at colleges and universities nation-wide. Students organize activities such as streaming “Climate Hustle,” a movie by Marc Morano’s, and arrange speakers such as Dr. Roy W. Spencer. In April 2020, they held a livestream with Ann Coulter regarding “fake environmentalism.”
Houser has published articles on the CFACT website such as “CFACT delivers public testimony supporting ANWR development,” “CFACT at LibertyCon: freedom is key to protect humanity, planet,” and “What year is it? Does AEI back carbon taxes and the UN Paris Agreement?” In a recent piece, he criticized the fact that people were reluctant to leave the Paris Agreement, saying that “climate policies could do [damage] to energy prices, economic growth and the reliability of energy grids.”
See Also
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Dr. Roy W. Spencer