Climate Change is Global, the Impact is Local

Julian Morris

Julain Morris is a senior fellow at the Reason Foundation, co-founded of the International Policy Network, and director of innovation policy at the International Center for Law and Economics. The Reason Foundation is a libderterian think tank that seeks to advance “a free society by developing, applying, and promoting libertarian principles, including liberty, free markets, and the rule of law.” The Reason Foundation was also a member of the Cooler Heads Coalition, a collection of organizations that deny climate change.

Morris has published several articles with the Reason Foundation. In 2011, he published an article titled “How the IPCC Reports Mislead the Public, Exaggerate the Negative Impacts of Climate Change and Ignore the Benefits of Economic Growth.” The article claims that the contradictions in the report allow the IPCC and other organizations to “impos[e] restrictions on human emissions of greenhouse gases.” Later in the article, Morris wrote that global warming actually would have positive impacts, which the IPCC underestimates. Morris believes that the most effective approach would be to “fix the root of the cause of why developing countries are deemed to be most at-risk, namely, poverty,” instead of working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Other articles by Morris include “Rebutting the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan’s Claims,”  Assessing the Social Costs and Benefits of Regulating Carbon Emissions,” and “The Paris Agreement: An Assessment.” In these articles, Morris criticizes the Paris Climate Accords, the Clean Power Plan, and other climate change initiatives due to the economic consequences and the perceived efficacy of these plans. 

See also:

Reason Foundation

Marc Joffe

Vittorio Nastasi

Kenneth Green

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